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"The global airline industry’s fuel bill is estimated to reach USD 221.8 billion in 2022"
IATA, 2022
The future of the industry depends on reducing fuel consumption.
To achieve this, every part of an aircraft is being scrutinised for weight saving opportunities.
The air cargo pallet is one of the only parts of an aircraft that has remained unchanged since the 1960s...

The future of air cargo pallets.
Powered by patented composite technology and manufactured using the latest innovations in materials technology, FAC Technology's composite air cargo pallet has been meticulously designed to outperform competitors across the board.
Every aircraft operating with composite pallets (type PMC) would save $96,000 in fuel and 286 tons in carbon emissions per year
Technical Information
Length (mm)
Width (mm)
Mass (kg)
ETSO C90d Approved
Datasheet available upon request
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